*2 hours of PD/EILA credit This virtual training focuses on PBIS strategies teachers can use to welcome students back to school successfully- and to prepare for PBIS in a virtual setting.
*3 hours of PD/EILA credit This session is developing prior knowledge to enhance your understanding of the PASS program, Positive Approach To Student Success. This is an overview to see if you are interested in learning more about the program. Participants will explore resources in the area of research that are the foundational pieces of the PASS program.
*2 hours of PD/EILA credit This focuses on how you can pre-teach procedures to decrease behavior challenges
*2 hours of PD/EILA credit Look at an approach that proactively builds positive school communities while also reducing misbehavior, discipline referrals in school suspensions and out of school suspensions.
*1 hr of PD/EILA credit This session provides an overview on the definition and components of social emotional learning. *This module is the first part of a six part on demand series on Social Emotional Learning. The series can be taken in its entirety or you can choose the modules of most interest to you.
*2 hours of PD/EILA credit This training features the latest evidence-based and promising practices in interventions to support students’ social emotional health as we return to instruction in the 2020-2021 academic year.
*3 hours of PD/EILA credit This is the fourth part of the six part series on social emotional learning. This module focuses on relationship building.
*2 hours of PD/EILA credit *This module is the second part of a six part on demand series on Social Emotional Learning. The series can be taken in its entirety or you can choose the modules of most interest to you.
*3 hour of PD/EILA credit This is the third part of the six part series on social emotional learning. This module focuses on social awareness. Strategies and resources will be shared.
*1 hour of PD/EILA credit The goal of this module is to direct you on a path to incorporate stories and writing into your curriculum which will enhance and improve the social skills of all your students.
*3 hour of PD/EILA credit In this 3 hour online professional development course you will receive... an overview of a PBIS Fidelity Assessment called the Tiered Fidelity Inventory and an explanation of how a PBIS Coach/Leader facilitates administration of this tool with their school PBIS team.
*2 hours of PD/EILA credit In this training, we've applied the 16 principles of Explicit Instruction and shared examples specific to students who are exhibiting acting out behaviors we want to decrease
*3 hours of PD/EILA credit This personalized virtual training provides… an overview of Universal Behavior Screening and a more specific look at the Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing/Externalizing Edition (SRSS-IE) as a tool to conduct Universal Behavior Screening
*1 hour PD credit By completing the mini-module and reviewing the accompanying activities, you should be able to: Define Reinforcement Understand the difference between Positive and Negative Reinforcement Understand the difference between Negative Reinforcement and Punishment Be aware of reinforcer assessment and preference assessment tools
*1 hour of PD credit This personalized virtual training focuses on implementation of virtual token boards.
*6 hours of PD/EILA credit This training series can be completed as a team or individually, however, it is highly recommended to train as a school team to promote implementation fidelity. Team members to consider: Building administrator, guidance counselor, teacher(s), SLP, OT/OTA. Discussion and examples of virtual implementation strategies will be discussed throughout the training.
*1 hour of PD/EILA credit The Zones of Regulation is a teaching framework that provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses using four concrete behavior zones.