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% of youth with IEPs graduating with regular diploma

Definition: Indicator 1 is the percentage of youth ages 14-21 with individual education programs (IEPs) graduating with regular diploma.



High school diploma: The student has completed the required course of study with the

minimum number of credit hours as required by 704 KAR 3:305 and any applicable LEA

requirements. "High school diploma" does not mean a certificate of completion or a

General Education Development (GED).


Data Collection: DoSEs review the data in the Special Ed Exit Report in IC prior to July 31.

Graduation data are based on a school year (July 1 through June 30). For more information,

please see OSEEL’s Data Manual.


Measurement: The OSEEL calculates Indicator 1 by taking the number of youth with IEPs ages

14-21 who exited special education due to graduating with a regular high school diploma and

dividing it by the sum of all youth with IEPs ages 14-21 who graduated with a regular high

school diploma, graduated with an alternate diploma, reached maximum age or dropped out and

then converting the result to a percentage. Students who exited special education by transferring

to regular education or moving (but are known to be continuing in an educational program) are

not included in the calculation.


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KDE School Improvement

KDE Early Warning and Persistence to Graduation Data Tools

KDE Minimum High School Graduation Requirements


Frequently Asked Question

Q: Where can we see the Kentucky Graduation Data?

A: For OSEEL’s federal reporting, data is available via OSEEL’s Public Reporting of IDEA

Part B Data page. For state accountability, LEAs, parents and other interested stakeholders

may view this data in the School Report Card. Within the school report card application, first

choose state, then LEA or school, then Delivery Targets and finally Graduation Rate.

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