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% of youth with IEPs dropping out

Indicator 2 is applicable only to secondary programs.



Definition: Indicator 2 is the percentage of youth ages 14-21 with IEPs who drop out of school.



Compulsory School Attendance: KRS 159.010 states all children must be enrolled in

and attend school between the ages of 6 and 18.

Dropout: Kentucky describes what counts as dropping out for all youth as dropouts,

runaways, GED recipients, expulsion, status unknown and students who moved and were

not known to be continuing in another education program.

Exiting Data: Exiting data report captures the count of students with disabilities, ages

14-21, who exited special education during the school year. In order to be included students must have begun the school year receiving special education services but at the end of the school year no longer received the services. Students are considered “exiters” for the following reasons:

  • Transferred to full time general education

  • Graduated with a standard high school diploma

  • Received a certification (such as the Alternative High School Diploma) indicating program      completion and the student withdrew from school

  • Reached the maximum age for services

  • Moved and enrolled in another elementary or secondary program either in another LEA or state or in a private, parochial or homeschool (the student does not have to continue special education in the other school)

  • Dropped out or withdrew and the student’s whereabouts are unknown.


Data Collection: All data are collected from the Special Ed Exit Report in IC. Drop out data are

based on a school year, July 1 through June 30. LEAs submit a survey indicating verification of

student exiting data by July 31. The OSEEL then calculates exiting reason totals by LEA and for

the state as well as the dropout rate. Indicator 2 uses lag data.


Measurement: The OSEEL calculates Indicator 2 by taking the number of youth with IEPs ages

14-21 who exited special education due to dropping out and dividing it by the sum of all youth

with IEPs ages 14-21 who graduated with a regular high school diploma, graduated with an

alternate diploma, reached maximum age or dropped out and then converting the result to a

percentage. Students who exited special education by transferring to regular education or moving

(but are known to be continuing in an educational program) are not included in the calculation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which exit codes in IC count as dropout?


A: Dropout Code 07 is the only Special Ed Exit Status that will indicate the student droppedout. However, if the student is designated under Dropout Code 06: Moved, Known toContinue, the report in IC will look at whether the student enrolled elsewhere. If not, thestudent will be considered a dropout. LEAs will be notified if status changes from 06 to 07 orvice versa.

       Investigative Questions

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