(A) Participation rate for children with IEPs,
(B) Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade-level academic standards,
(C) Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against alternate academic achievement standards,
(D) Gap in proficiency rates for children with IEPs and all students against grade-level academic achievement standards.
Indicator 3 data are obtained through the KDE’s Office of Assessment and Accountability, which is responsible for the KDE’s statewide testing for all Kentucky students. The participation rate is calculated from dividing the number of children with IEPs participating in the assessment by the total number of children with IEPs enrolled during the testing window.
New formula for 2022 submission: only grades 4, 8 and high school will be reported.
Kentucky Department of Education items specific to Indicator 3
No assessments were completed due to the pandemic therefore there is no data to report for the 2019-20 school year.
Investigative Questions
To stimulate thinking and discussion among district and school personnel regarding the root causes of Indicator 3 performance, investigative questions may be accessed HERE.
Resources for Indicator 3
Kentucky Academic Standards
High Leverage Practices
IDC:Addressing Success Gaps
Promoting Progress for Students with Disabilities